
Illustration of different pills
SPARK recommended Books, Links and Webinars
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Books & Links


Drug Development in Academia

Developing an idea into a viable business is a long journey. The entrepreneur will cross paths with a wide variety of people such as business people, lawyers and investors. Hence, embarking on the entrepreneurial journey will also require different types of skills including regulatory, legal and finance skills.
Written by the founders of the SPARK program at Stanford University, this book is a practical guide designed for professors, students and clinicians at academic research institutions who are interested in learning more about the drug development process and how to help their discoveries become the novel drugs of the future. Often many potentially transformative basic science discoveries are not pursued because they are deemed 'too early' to attract industry interest. There are simple, relatively cost-effective things that academic researchers can do to advance their findings to the point that they can be tested in the clinic or attract more industry interest. Each chapter broadly discusses an important topic in drug development, from preclinical work in assay design through clinical trial design, regulatory issues and marketing assessments. After the practical overview provided here, the reader is encouraged to consult more detailed texts on specific topics of interest.

Social Media and Other Electronic Resources

Henry Piezunkas VC Workshop
A free 3h workshop for VCs, Business Angels and Startups. You learn how to get offers from venture capitalists, how to choose among these, and how do you ensure you get the most out of the relationship with your investor.
Nature Biotechnology's academic spinouts 2020
Nature Biotechnology’s annual survey highlights R&D-intensive startups spun out from academic institutions.
Biotech Clubhouse
A podcast forum led by Chris Garabedian, Brad Loncar, and Daphne Zohar. Topical discussions around the latest news from Biotech along with guests.
Sara Nayeem
Sara Nayeem is a partner at Avoro Ventures and routinely tweets helpful advice to founders and management with regards to how to best interact with investors or run your company.
@saranayeem on Twitter
RA Capital
RA Capital, a prominent venture capital group based in Boston, provides many guides, blogs and other resources for entrepreneurs.
RA Capital
Bruce Booth's blog, from Atlas Ventures
Key opinion leader for the entire industry. Blogs are widely read and considered to represent the pulse of the industry.
Life Sci VC
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SPARK Webinars
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March 19, 2025
4:00 pm
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Fast Lane to MedTech Certification: Click, Certify, Comply? A Distant Dream or Soon Reality

Leon Kobinger

SPARK Webinars
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April 2, 2025
4:00 pm
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Regulatory for Cell and Gene Therapy

Suzanne Einmahl

SPARK Webinars
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May 7, 2025
4:00 pm
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SPARK Norway

Patenting and trademarks

Potter Clarkson

SPARK Webinars
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June 4, 2025
4:00 pm
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SPARK Finland

Contracted research organizations in startups/development projects

Charles River

SPARK Webinars
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July 3, 2025
4:00 pm
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Risk assessing your research is it really worth pursuing

Barbara Diehl (SPRIN D)